Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

This is the third book I've read by Liane Moriarty (the other two were The Husband's Secret and Big Little Lies). They're all witty and entertaining stories. I enjoy that they feature places and situations I'm familiar with e.g. Sydney mums doing the school run etc.

Alice is about to turn 40, has three children, and is getting divorced. She bumps her head at the gym and wakes up thinking she's 29 and pregnant with her first child. She has no recollection of her children or what went wrong in her marriage.

The book looks at the stress of having children and what that can do a marriage. It also looks at the stress of not having them (Alice's sister has had multiple miscarriages). As the story unfolds we find out how a happy carefree young wife and her doting husband turned into a workaholic executive and a high-maintenance, helicopter mother, who hate each other!

There are lots of other great characters in the book including Alice's 'grandmother' Frannie who writes a blog, Alice's mother who has remarried and taken up salsa dancing and Alice's children who include a rebel, a princess and a geek.

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