Sunday, August 18, 2019

Don't Believe It by Charlie Donlea

Lots of reviewers say that Donlea gets better with each book. I made the mistake of reading his latest one before I read this one, so it's good, but it's not as good as The Woman in Darkness.

The book follow Sidney Ryan, an investigative documentary maker, as she revisits the case of notorious killer Grace Sebold. Grace has been in prison in St Lucia for ten years, for killing her fiance Julian Crist the night he was about to propose to her. 

The story is easy to follow and there are some great plot twists. The characters are interesting and there's a lot of detail in the forensics and in how documentaries are made. I devoured the last 150 pages in one sitting; however, I'll wait for Donlea's next book rather than reading another earlier one.

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